{trigger warning uses of the words depression, self-harm and suicide}
Roblox is a popular gaming platform founded in 2006 that allows users to create and play games. With over 200 million monthly active users, it has become a leading destination for young gamers. In fact, statistics show that 67% of all Roblox users are under the age of 16, making it a favourite among kids and teenagers. If you know or are the parent of a child in this age group, there's a good chance they enjoy playing games on Roblox!

Recently, games that depict themes of isolation, cutting, suicide and conversations of hopelessness, depression and suicide are becoming popular on the platform. Even though these games go expressly against Roblox’s guidelines, they have not been removed.
These games are called ‘depression rooms’ – a term describing games on Roblox that are sad or portray depression/suicide. These games often include disturbing content such as simulated suicide attempts by jumping off bridges or cutting oneself with knives. From these games, users are often encouraged to join a chat group called ‘sociopath’ where young people discuss their feelings – originally meant to be a place for young people to support each other it has become a very negative environment.
These games often include disturbing content such as simulated suicide attempts by jumping off bridges or cutting oneself with knives.
Children may want to use the internet to seek out material about depression to explore their feelings. Whilst this is understandable, it is important to make sure that young people are not being overwhelmed by negative content online they are consuming online to the point where it is destroying their well-being and worsening depressive or suicidal thoughts. We have seen the fatal outcome that bombardment of negative content can lead to in the tragic case of Molly Russell, who consumed large quantities of self-harm content on Pinterest.
It might be helpful to have a conversation with the young people in your life about healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, good quality sleep, time spent outdoors with friends and talking back to negative thoughts in their own head with positive ones.
Make sure to always keep the lines of communication open so that you can step in and help a young person when they need it and they feel empowered to come to you when they need help.
Places to go for help: