"The Breck Foundation sessions were our highest scoring sessions, both for overall marks and in terms of giving people actionable advice"
- A global financial services
Breck Foundation corporate partner

Helping Young People Reclaim the Internet
“I learned from the Breck Foundation what the word grooming meant and what impact it can have on people who are affected by it.”
- Kai, age 11.
“I learned all the signs of grooming and I think it was very helpful as I can tell my friends outside of school about it and feel safer. It was scary but I know how to be aware of it now.”
Year 6 pupil.

By donating £5 a month you can protect a whole class of primary school children with online safety lessons

Breck Foundation is firmly pro-tech.
We don’t and will never try to limit or shut down technology in the lives of children and young people. We value and embrace the power it can have to create positive experiences for young people.
This value is based on the lived experience of Breck’s story and the experience of our founder, Breck’s mother, who, on police advice, took away Breck’s technology and drove the grooming underground, making it more secretive and dangerous. We prioritise a guiding voice with the children and young people we work with over a critical one.
Watch these clips to get a taste of the way we interact with children about gaming. Both videos are from a virtual speaker session to a group of year 5 and 6 students.
Read more about our pro-gaming approach in our Breck Foundation strategy
We are pro-gaming
Working with industry experts
Even though Breck Foundation was born out of a tragedy linked to online video gaming we don't ever want to stop children from enjoying the gaming world.
We work with gaming professionals to create strong relationships throughout the industry to help us spread our message and stay on top of the latest developments.
If you are a video game industry expert or e-sports professional and would like to collaborate please do get involved at admin@breckfoundation.org.
In February 2023, we held a Facebook live chat with Philip Wride an e-sports expert turned educationalist to talk about how he creates lesson plans that use video games to support teachers in the classroom.
Find out more about Philip's resources at www.classbridges.com